Re: Hallelujah!! It was my Wifes, it seemed to be just sitting there. It gone to a happier place.
Re: hello :) nice to meet you all. Welcome
Re: Feeding puppies human breast milk?!?!?! errrrrrrrrrrrrr :o
Re: Hallelujah!! Tuna & Cheese is a great filling, I have since experimented & found that tinned sardines, which come in many different...
Re: New Year's eve fireworks So did Bouncer. Gun Dogs ;p
Re: Time to let Bella off the lead!!! It is a nervwracking thing but if Bella is anything like Bouncer then she will stick closer to you when...
Re: Toileting during socialising Just thought I would mention that puppy pads ddint work with Bouncer. He just shredded them in seconds then sat...
Re: And so it begins.... (now with photographic evidence) I think Bouncer has been reading this thread. [IMG]
Re: 2 weeks to Louis comes home (photos) Bouncer has a whole encyclopedia of Mischief tips if she ever runs out. Lovely Piccys.
Re: Dark! In urban areas that is the case & it certainly aint natural, ever been in the sticks on a moonless night? My word that is dark.
Re: Young Kaeda is growing up Bouncer is realy suffering with teething at the moment, if you look in his mouth he looks like a shark, baby teeth...
Re: Entertainment ideas after car accident We are all rooting for you Ash, make a speedy rcovery & in the meantime think of lots of meshievious...
Re: Pic of Izzy :-*
Re: I just learned something new! I just sneezed on my Wife. I told her it was because I was excited, that didnt go down well.
Re: An indelicate question Field a trail also known as working dog food is VAT exempt which is why its worth hunting down.
Re: puppy to adult food Bouncr is on Skinners Puppy Lamb & Rice & I have just had a letter from Skinners to tell me to change food at 6 months,...
Re: Wonderful wonderful site merry Christmas Great photo, although Barney doesnt look too impressed ;)
Re: Rubbish afternoon 12.5 weeks? You are very close, any day now you will realise you havnt been crocadoged for a while.
Re: Bob just had his first fright :( Santa & his sliegh can be quite unnerving to a small pup. 8)