I need to remember this. Normally chasing oven gloves, slippers, daughter's Sylvanian Families she keeps taking out the garden
We're just starting the transition from Eukanuba to Orijen. Just putting in a few grams into his bowl and a bit less of the Eukanuba at each meal...
@Boogie okay great thank you. I feel bad taking that bit off him now after all that effort haha.
What are the rules with these? Loki's just getting more interested in his and so far little tiny bits have come off when he's chewing. Just now a...
Yes currently only going to let Loki in the living room in the evenings once the kids have gone to bed. I have to say Loki is not that much of a...
Yes hairs are a bit annoying, but trust me he can't make much more mess than the kids :D Our old dog Patch used to be allowed on the sofa. And the...
Our yellow lab is also 9 weeks, and I have a 5 year old and 3 year old. You will have to be particularly careful with a 1 year old. I definitely...
Would have loved for him to explore everywhere to start but thought it best to keep him on the hard, easily washable floors before he was going to...
Once he'd worn himself out he went and conked out on the hall (hard) floor Ha
Loki is now in the living room, running round like a loony, panting with excitement :rolleyes:
Was trying to keep him there with me yesterday but he wasn't having any of it haha
Thanks all. Decided to go with a Pet Plan lifetime policy
Thank you @Karen I knew it would be a big jump going from landing to downstairs but didn't think what else to do. So we'll let him sleep back...
Thanks for your replies. Will definitely let him in there every evening then now and then when he's used to it he will settle. Ill get him a...
So Loki had been in our room for about 5 nights when we started to move the crate slowly, to the middle of the room, then by the door, then the...
Loki normally sleeps in the evening once he's exhausted himself, so we would like to bring him in the living room with us so he can sleep...
Aww he lovely. I love his coat colour. I was standing outside a supermarket with Loki this morning and was asked if he was going to be a guide...
Can anyone recommend a good UK pet insurer based on experience with them? Loki came with 4 weeks' insurance with Pet Plan and we're now looking at...
Thought I'd share a couple of photos of my old family dog Patch. We rescued him when he was about 18m old. We have no idea where he came from...
We've had no accidents in the house today! Well he started to do one in the kitchen this morning but managed to carry him out for most of it. And...