I only have Pippa's book on the right hand side,
Hello and welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me. Looking forward to hearing about your pup.
Hello and welcome to the forum Linda and Albert. Love the name.
Hello and welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me
Sorry I don't understand what you mean by signature and I am past my sell by date :D
That's my girl, you just say what we all think :nod:
Hello and welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me.
Hello and welcome to you. Great name for your pup :)
Good work both of your :)
Sorry I do not understand?
Sorry I missed that you put 11 months in your thread. Have you been to a training class with him? What is his name?
Eleven pawsome facts about dogs...
Hello and welcome to the forum. How old is your puppy?
Welcome to the forum Lisa and Skye.
A warm welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me.
Hello and welcome Scott to the forum. On the training section of this forum there is loads for you to read and help you before you get your pup....
Hello and welcome John and Henry. He will soon sleep through the night.
Hello and welcome to the forum to you all. Have you any photos of Trey and Sadie for us to see, we love puppies.
Change vet a now. Do I need to say more.