I would also recommend checking her food and making sure it’s not gone off or expired just to rule that out as well.
An 8 week old puppy is very young and just starting to understand things you ask of her. At this age, I would be redirecting her attention from...
So scary...definitely something I worry about with Quinn. I read that having pedialyte (electrolyte drink for babies/kids) can help until you can...
Yes, my dog gets this in the summer. I think it’s twofold, she’s out in the sun and she moults so it’s her brownish undercoat popping through.
What a devastating prognosis...I cannot imagine. I’m so sorry. You know your dog best and I believe you will know the right thing to do....
So exciting! Congrats on the new pup. Valor is a great name. I like option #1
Agree with @Stacia, I think you would be better to get a behaviourist in to observe interactions with your puppy and family and help you learn how...
We moved from an apartment to a house when Quinn turned 2. I don't know if it made any difference, but we brought her to the new house every time...
I agree with moving to a pen arrangement rather than a crate since you know she cannot hold it, and at least she won't be forced to sit in her pee...
How long have you been doing two cups a day? I would give that at least 6 weeks to see if she slims down a bit, and if so the food may be ok. I...
Yes, if you can’t feel her ribs then it sounds like it’s more than filling out. I took a look at the food she’s on and one thought is that some...
I add salmon oil to my dog's breakfast (reduce kibble slightly to account for it) and she licks the bowl clean she loves it so much. I added it to...
Did your vet say she was overweight? My girl is slim and fine boned, however it was between a year and 18 months that she put on another 10 lbs...
My dog is 2.5 and absolutely hates the rain, avoids puddles/baby pools/the hose/sprinklers. She learned to swim at 6 months old and is an amazing...
My lab can be described a bit similar...not interested in being pet/getting tummy rubs and will run over to say hello to people at our home, and...
They are all different, but I think Labs are known to be "puppyish" longer than some other breeds. It comes down to personality and training I...
Poor boy :( Hopefully you get some answers on Monday.
Carbon is SUCH a beauty! I love that he's a swimmer now and he'll be such a well rounded traveler and lifestyle connoisseur that he will be an...
Our vet clinic was bought out by VCA awhile ago and we’ve been quite happy with the changes and staff they’ve brought in. good luck to little Nala!
Me too, Vanilla. I eat strawberries cut into quarters and from a fork. It’s the best way. Quinn