So fun! Carbon really gets around!
That is possible any of us! I support and have an interest in our local Labrador rescue and many elderly/sick people contact them in advance and...
He's adorable! He looks all lab to me. My girl was just a bit heavier at that age and grew taller and put on another 30 lbs by 20 months.
We taught Quinn to "ask" get on our bed by sitting until we said 'ok' every night around 1am she sits by our bed and cries to...
Poor girl...hope she's ok. Definitely very worrying!
I love the last part where he flings himself at the couch! So cute!
The last picture she seems to be saying gleefully "I don't have to do all that sit for a treat nonsense like those silly labs" :cwl:
You are not alone as a worry wart...if I have nothing to worry about, then I will find something! :D
@charlie I also have read pros and cons of salmon oil and held off because I wasn't sure if I should give it. I decided to just go ahead and buy...
Pongo, your kongs sound like my kongs! I sit and wait while mum makes my kongs and puts them into the cold white thing, one by one, and at the end...
It depends on what I put in...if I freeze something soft like wet food/mashed sweet potato/banana etc she will lay down and lick it out/crunch...
It looks like Paul is passed out from too many kongs in the last picture!
I think many have been in your situation! I found that going to a puppy training class together really helped, as the first class was without...
My friend's dog recently went through this, and the vet said that he had developed a bit of OCD with licking the spot, cream or no cream. My...
Last night, I saw a man human taking things from our yard! I barked as loud as I could from my window telling him to stop! Turns out, it was just...
I have a whiner, though now that I'm thinking about it, I have noticed a significant change in the past 9 months or so (she's 2.5yrs). She rarely...
We just took all of them off from every door and left them off for a good year (mostly because I forgot about it). We used rubber door stops for...
Looks like dog paradise!
I will definitely buy any toy or treat that features Stanley's face!