Last night Quinn and I had our 3rd rally obedience class. She picks up on things so quick, and she heels so well and we have mastered positioning...
I've just started work and it's the worst part of the day! Quinn stands at the door like "oh, so it's a work day :("
We had a December puppy, very frigid and snowy which made late night toilet training painful!
Last night two small humans came to my door with boxes of cookies. Dad wanted some and I slipped out the door to say hi while he was getting the...
He's super cute and still looks very puppy to me. I think they grow the entire first year unless he's mixed with a small/medium breed. It's hard...
I'll take any human who has a ball. Quinn
Amazing that you listened to her too!
With shaping, I keep rewarding until there is no other behaviour thrown and she is doing what I'm shaping her to do. If you are shaping two paws...
I was woken up early this morning by Quinn growling...I thought she was having a doggy dream. Nope, she was actually growling at the rain (window...
Could Luna be ANY cuter in the first video!
Same here....I'm waiting for the day I get a ticket! I think on trails it would be a result of a complaint, but in the city the bylaw trucks are...
:hug: Poor least you will hopefully get to the bottom of it! Waiting is the worst!
My tip is...hope you are OK with sand literally everywhere, forever!...maybe this should actually go in the 'you know you have a Labrador when'...
It doesn't sound that much like a bug since it's not in the daytime either and poos are fine. I didn't know dog bugs were a thing until Quinn...
Another thing about bar-bee-qs is after all the good stuff is gone and no one is watching, you can licklicklick so many yummy drips and drops...
It's bar-bee-q season here, and things are yummier than ever on the table. I've decided to step up my begging game and dogs, it's working. I've...
At 8 weeks, I think he definitely needs to go out and you can't ignore him. The only way you can ignore him is if he in a pen and has puppy pads...
You know you have a Labrador when you open your front door and the dog bolts and you hear neighbour children screaming "A DOG STOLE OUR BALL" and...
Love this!