These dog parks really only work if they are frequented by educated ,well mannered owners and that unfortunately is rarely the case .Sorry you had...
Omg,omg,I hate them ....thankfully we don't see a lot ...although guess what we have ? Yes you are right,camel ticks! X
I've chuckled at all these stories ,so glad it's not only me.When Dexter first arrived we were invited into the garden of a neighbour who I...
Oh I'm so sorry to read about your situation .I'm glad the first operation has gone well and you sound very positive as you approach her rehab.I...
Just wanted to say good luck to you both for the ops tomorrow.Only having a boy I can't help with any advice re spay recovery but he's always...
Sorry for Ella ( and you guys too,or rather your in laws! ) gosh they've all gone down like dominoes this week! Hope the fetid air doesn't linger...
Ah really happy he's all set for the next chapter,bitter sweet for you I'm sure but what an experience for you .I'm still thinking about the poor...
I've been in tears 3 times on the Forum today!!! What a success story,I love the one of her asleep in bed with you....that's how my dog sleeps...
Ah that's good to hear x
What were you thinking! Dex is back to full throttle so all settled down here ,phew!
Love reading about her progress Kate ,while I've not been here I've been following the story on Facebook ,she's a little dot xxx Just coming back...
What an amazing story , I've had a little tear that they got her back ...just imagine ....
Hi ,welcome to the Forum and another Dexter,mine is yellow and 4 1/2 years old! Once their second teeth come in fully the desire to chomp down...
Ah Emily I've been away for a while whilst I've had lots of visitors staying so I've read this whole thread in one go.....oh I've laughed ,I've...
Hi there , I'd definately book an appointment at the vets.Its been going on for a while and it doesn't sound a very pretty colour! Dexter has had...
Hi there, Bless her in a shelter at such an early age I'm glad you were able to take her out of that situation.Options will open up more when...
Flipping heck Rachael ,the humans eat well in your house! Good on you x Glad he's on the mend,he does look a bit of a mis chops though ,could...
Ah Kate sorry to read your must be very hard watching and waiting.Im so glad Nell has given him a lift ,she looks to be a little...
Welcome to the Forum from me in Dubai with our yellow 4 year old who is also a sun glasses fan .... [ATTACH] I love Angus's name and how are...
Hi There , Welcome to the Forum.Your little pup is definately not aggressive and well done for not falling into the trap of thinking that ,it's...