Poor Obster,glad he's got some meds to make him comfortable.Methadone sounds like the big guns ,he must have been really in a lot of pain .Obi...
G Good on you and Kate should be on commission! I'm hoping to get onto it this week .....The Dexter Hilton reopens at the weekend!
She is a wonderful dog,I hope she is as famous in Guide Dog circles for being such a great Guide Dog Big Sister as she is on the Forum? She looks...
I always say it to Emily but Rosie,you've got a book in you about Pongo too....he does make me chuckle!
Oh Helen,personally I haven't got any experience but if that was me I'd be straight to the vet.They are so stoic,they can be in a lot of pain and...
Smacks head! I feel the pain..... Last year in the U.K. ... Me : So did you have a nice walk? OH : Yes,I rang Mark and we headed up to his top...
I've just powered through your posts as I've not around too much myself and was excited to see you'd updated but am so sorry to read it.What a...
Hi there, Good luck with your choice.....Dexter is our first dog so I have to admit to a strong yellow male bias!Looking forward to hearing which...
Ah you aren't rambling....welcome to my life :rofl: It's a tricky one.My Husband is lovely and loves Dexter to bits but we've had a fair few...
Ah Hope you had a lovely trip but bet you missed her like mad,glad she was so happy to see you x
I've signed up too.....Thanks for the heads up...I missed it and I am signed up to Udemy x
Hi Lamkade , Welcome to the Forum. I don't understand 'drools'? Your dog needs a good quality dog food appropriate for its age and I completely...
Glad he seems more himself and he's putting his weight back ,horrible to see them out of sorts x
So sorry you find yourself in this situation ,poor Teller.Did you ever establish the next morning what exactly he could have done? Not that it...
Dexter loves a good graze....he likes the long fresh green strips we get here or he will have a crop at the new growth round the edges of our...
I so sympathise...the fight is real.I did my first round of obedience classes only using kibble.Class for me was basically wrestling to prevent...
Hey there, I've got so much to catch up on I'm skim reading a bit but I was in a very similar situation with my dog...he had to be kibble only for...
Hello and Welcome from Dexter and I , What a big change for you from Cats to a Lab ,I'm sure there have been a few shocks along the way but the...
Ah I love Meg stories,shame for you you with no full set of slippers! Dexter always brings a shoe when he decides it's walk time and I haven't...
Ah I can't help ,but hope you get some leads and welcome to the Forum x