Hi there,nice things can quickly become the norm! Sounds like both human and dog parties are enjoying the new sleeping arrangements! Is it an...
A warm welcome from me too.Killah sounds to have found himself a wonderful family with owners committed to helping him overcome some of his...
So lovely to see you back ,and great to hear how well you are managing and supporting Monty's conditions.He sounds a very resilient character x
Jacqui I've just done a massive victory dance for you ,as the owner of another chaser I can understand the relief and pride you experience when...
Ah if he's not bothering anyone don't give up on the cuddles,one of the best bits of having a dog! They are discerning creatures ,Dexter jumps up...
And you and David need gold stars for commitment and perseverance,Helen.Sounds like you had a really nice walk x
Perfect! I should consider that pannier business for my lad.....he can help out carrying all his walk paraphernalia! X
Sounds like Ziggy achieved Labrador satisfaction on his day out! X
Looks like a beautiful meadow walk x
There is no going back now the 'Mudar' has been activated!
Lordy ,lord,I live and learn on this Forum everyday! X
Hi there, Welcome to the Forum.Sore paw pads are such a drag ....We've had them a couple of times from doing too fast turns on Astro turf.The vet...
Hi Jyssica ,sorry you've had such a rough couple of days ....and I'm glad he's on the mend now and I hope your Family member is ok too x Can I...
Hi there, I live in Dubai with my Husband and Dexter our 4 year old yellow fellow.We bring him back to Harrogate for the Summer now to escape the...
Mags she is a lovely looking dog,and her brother ain't bad either xxx
That bottom photo cannot be Luna? So grown up! Multiple bed household here too..... and make no mistake,there is no confusion that our king size...
Hello June, Lovely to see you've found the Forum,I hope Greg is settling in well with you ? X
What a brilliant project and keepsake...that first year can go by in such a blur,it's lovely to have a record to look back on x
What a horrible person ,there is no reasoning with somebody like that.I'm glad you had someone sensible around when you collapsed.....give the...
In your sandwich .......:nod: