Hi Diane, Often the behaviour does seem to escalate before it gets better.It can be really tough because it's the time when you need to put your...
Hi there and Welcome, My dog is 4 now and we live in Dubai but he came from a Breeder in Scotland . Enjoy settling her in Best Wishes Angela
Hi there, Welcome to the Forum,good to hear Coco is behaving exactly as a 6 month old lab should ! My dog is a yellow boy,he's 4 and out first dog
Walrus... [ATTACH]
Heavens we are always a sight! :rofl: It's Visitor Season In Dubai so his soft toy collection has increased significantly...visitors are very...
I'll do it too Jac,haven't got an itchy dog,just a titchy dog :rofl:
Something like this maybe?...
It depends how you want to use it really.Ive got similar but they have survived because I don't use them as 'toys' .My dog was a very reluctant...
Me too,sending a big hug and very best wishes,it's a thing I dread ....
Hi there, There was a thread about this last week I think? Dexter was a bit older than Red when he came to us but he used to have a whine in the...
Hello Blacksnow... You've done a really great thing there taking Snowy under your care when your own circumstances don't sound easy ,so all of us...
Ah hi to you all,,great to have you helping out ...it's a busy old place this Forum now xxx
Oh how upsetting for it to happen to such a young dog ....it must be a challenge to keep him occupied when I guess you monitor his excercise...
we say they are titchy.... He says it's all about the angle you look at him! [ATTACH] He can still hear a crisp bag opening in the next room...
Silver Falcon has hit the nail on the head with the word 'Sustained' The 5 minute rule has to be taken with a dose of common sense ...marching...
I can't answer for a blocky head as I have a working whippersnapper but there was a time when Dexter's head definately broadened and became what...
Heavens above ,Arnie,you lucky boy! You must have had the biggest fright ever and cleared the 2 km run in record time! No wonder your wife was...
Hello there, What a worrying time for you.Has anything been established from your Vet visit? My sympathies about the tail.My boy had his tail...
Hi Carolyn, Tummy issues are so common with youngsters,it took many of us ages to get our dogs right ... When you say 'soft' I'm assuming not...