:nod: The squishy orange kind
Only you, @SwampDonkey , only you :D
We'll have more, don't worry, they are excellent! That's a huge tent with loads of space
Sorry I know this has been done to death but this other side of the world stuff always gives me a cheap thrill. You're on breakfast, I'm on wine....
And elaborate a bit here saying including pushing a dog down etc, so she knows exactly which bits you are referring to
I would start with a recap of your previous conversations with her, outlining what you understood her classes to consist of and how positive...
So glad you went out @Leanne82 , bet you are feeling like that's a huge step forward!
And Monty frequently pees on his front legs:eek:
I think that's good advice from @Xena Dog Princess , I bet he has never been properly house trained and if he sees his crate as a normal place...
Gosh @SwampDonkey , that happens to me too, I'm just mooching the internet minding my own business, then .... Whoops, I'm on a puppy waiting...
Ah, ok. I was going to offer a puppy sitting service then but you're a bit far unfortunately. (Though you don't know me from Adam so you might...
So am I! Are you anywhere near nuneaton or solihull?
Ah poor Stanley, mum and dad are both watching the football drinking a beer and I'm in the middle. [ATTACH]
That's wonderful news! A bodeguero delivered to your door, how fantastic!
And your other hobbies are....:D:D
We possibly had a slightly easier puppy than most - the biting wasn't horrendous, nor a destructive chewer, he wasn't a big barker, - and unlike...
Hi @Harley Quinn You can feel absolutely as huffy as you want - no need to apologise! It doesn't sound great - I haven't been to an agility...
Although I absolutely agree with all the comments about how flippin' difficult a puppy is, I'm inclined to agree with @Emily - once you have a...
Remy probably didn't even have to reach from the floor. Just waved a paw above his head and he'd easily have swiped it :)