Oh I use that phrase all the time at work, as in: - I need to do a bit of jiggery pokery with that budget to make it balance - Just do some...
Yes, stand your ground. Good luck xx
Merlin, when I got bad hips I got their bed. Monty xx
Noooooooo.... go on then, you've hooked me in :)
Glad Moo is back with you. Though her spirit never left. You might want to quote this line with caution outside of the forumo_O:D
Hi, my vet recommended to stay on puppy food , though it was a 'junior' version, until at least 14 months, up to 18 months. This was on royal canin.
One thing that has really helped to build up Monty's hip muscles is a hydrotherapy treadmill, have you got one nearby you can go to?
I'm so sorry for you Karen. You've just reminded me of the phone call I took from the vets to tell me Monty had HD, I was at work and in bits, my...
Yes she definitely is! :angel:
Gosh he's made so much progress with you. Do you think he might have spent his very early puppy days with a family and received some basic...
I do feel for you @Atemas. When Monty had a huge abcess on his neck last year, the open cut on his neck didn't seem to bother him much. Yet the...
Goodbye lovely Moo, was a pleasure to walk with you, I'm sorry it wasn't more often. And to you @SwampDonkey, the most difficult but important...
Happy birthday lovely girl :cake::tail:
Happy birthday sweet little girl:cake::doug:
You are so right! For humans and animals. Such good news, a happy result!
So @Lara , monty has been on that flipping random hoomans thread again (I really must limit his screen time )and has woofed in my ear that there's...
Hi, I think the first thing is establishing with your vet that he's in pain, which it does sound like he is, and getting him some pain relief....
Don't. Sometimes my dishwasher cheats me by pretending it's washed everything but there are bits all over glasses and mugs because something has...
What's the issue with anti bac liquid, and what's the best alternative just out of interest?
What does this entail? Have absolutely no idea at all...