lol glad I'm not the only currently looking a bit odd. TBH I'm glad this bag is getting some use , it was an expensive impulse buy and has sat in...
Thank you, and great idea about the bus stop we have a few on our routes so I will try one tomorrow. Again thanks, yeah he's not too keen on...
lol I can agree with the odd looks esp from people in cars going past, or people not realising straight away he's there ! We had a rescue collie...
Thank you both, I felt so confused and all morning have been watching him, and worrying. Just to add he doesn't come on the whole walk , I...
Just a quick question. Obviously Aramis can't go for walks yet, but I know the importance of him seeing, hearing, and experiencing as much as...
I'm an awful puppy mum because I cannot for the life of me spell what it is the second results found , but it is an infection, and begins with a...
Funnily enough vet called with first lot of results back today (still waiting on others) , and like you we have giardia too. And , I have no idea...
Your spot on he had the 2nd pro kolin dose earlier with his tea, and his following movement though very loose still had at least some form. I've...
Well we've had another load of basically water , but this time thankfully brown though the smell was horrendous. I'm just glad no blood.
He's crashed in his crate now , dreaming away as his little paws are going at it, and he's making those little yappy dream barks they do so yeah...
Ahh thank you all, honestly I was terrified, but your right the vet visit has reassured me. We have stool samples to collect from 3 different...
Thank you both, god I never knew puppies would do this to you. I feel like I did when I first came home with my son. He's very quiet which is so...
So Aramis had an upset stomach last night, didn't think much of it because we had tried a new treat, then this morning he had a loose stool again...
Thanks both of you for the info, I'm going to have to delve further into it all to find what's right for Milo, because I don't think he is...
Thank you all for your kind words, and Charlie on advice from our vet we have to muzzle Milo on a walk because he insists on eating everything...
Thank you for your reply. Milo fell ill With daily vomiting but just pure bile , lethargic, off his food, just generally not himself. At first...
Thank you , I'm glad no one minded me asking. Staffy's have such a bad rep, and from experience I get a bit worried to what people's reactions to...
Thank you so much ! He was only diagnosed at Christmas after an endoscopy, after countless tests, and dead ends so we are still trying to find our...
Hi , this isn't about Aramis but I am hoping no one will mind, and possibly have some insight that could point me in the right direction. Had...
Aww thank you, I'm slightly embarrassed to say I loved The cartoon Dogtanian and the musket hounds as a child, and it lead me as a teenager to...