omg, I just took Bonnie out for a lead walk, and she completely lost the plot, started jumping up at me, snapping at my arms, totally over...
Hi there, if it’s any consolation at all, I’m going through exactly the same at the moment, it’s exhausting. Our girl, Bonnie, is almost 11...
Thank you all, Bonnie did really well. She came home a few hours after the op. She was very dozey and whiney at first, but did go to bed easily...
This is me and Bonnie at the moment, I could have written this myself, exactly the same, she’s such a teenage handful! Bonnie is 10 months and...
She sees my Mum quite regularly, but is always so excited that she’s a bit boisterous, it’s quite stressful, she does calm down when the novelty...
Thanks, we have been doing boundary games for a while, using a mat, this seems to work well, but all breaks down with visitors and excitement, she...
Thank you, yes I might need a holiday afterwards ha ha! I’ve bought a houseline this afternoon, I will have to watch her with it because left...
Hi there My elderly mother is coming on holiday with us and our bouncy 11 month old Bonnie. One week in an open plan house. Bonnie is lovely...
hello, our Bonnie is due to be spayed in 3 weeks time. (She’s had 1 season). Does anyone have any tips/advice on after care, and how she is...
This is great, very helpful, thank you. We ll keep working at the absolute dogs, and proofing our recall. Looking forward to a time when I can...
Thank you Joy, you give me hope. I can see the funny side of it, if it wasn’t my dog/washing I’d probably have a giggle, but she really wound me...
Brilliant, thank you. She has a small rugby ball that we play fetch with on walks, she LOVES IT, but she sits and drops it at my feet. I will...
Thank you. She probably doesn’t, you’re right. She has Kongs, and a Kong wobbler, and a couple of other bits, but that’s a good point! We...
How do I tackle this? Ordinary day to day life is becoming very trying indeed! I’m home all day, she gets 2 good walks a day. Is it teenage...
our girl is 10 months old this weekend. She is being really michevious! Our house is really clear of stuff downstairs (she’s not allowed...
Hi, In this hot weather I walk my lab in the woods to keep cool, but there is a brook and a couple of ponds, I’m worried that there is a health...
hi. This might sound like a really silly post from me. Our problem is : Bonnie now 9 months old thinks she has total right to all chairs/ sofas...
That’s really helpful, proper solid advice. Thank you very much! I will work on games in v close proximity to me, she such a lovely girl I so...
This is me!! Our Bonnie is 9 months now, just out of a long season, and I read your post (I know it was years ago). How did things go? Your...
Hi snowbunny I know this was an old post, but it’s great, I’ve been trawling the forum for help with Bonnie running off to strangers. She’s still...