So, I thought I'd let you know how we got on. I printed this whole thread off and took it with me. We sat, as a family around the dinner table....
Thank you, that is really great information, I'm so pleased I posted this, you're all really helpful!
I think Bonnie would just bark at us from a pen, if she didn't jump out. do you think if we ignored her barking after a while she would settle...
I love this forum, they've given me so much support. So, we are going on holiday, to a house in the countryside in France. Bonnie is coming...
OMG thank you so much, I'm really grateful I'm going to follow your advice, we will be doing exactly this. It's becoming obvious that we have...
Oh thank you so much. I used to take her up to the school to collect when she was little for socialisation, now everyone is asking where she's...
I've not been back to the class. Those telling me that the trainers methods of handling of an "overthreshold" dog has put me off. I'd not heard...
Thanks for the advice
Arh thank you
Sounds just like us. I know some people don't like classes, but I actually like the trainer, I think she is great with the dogs, it's not...
Thank you so much, this is heartning to know, at nearly 6 months our pup is doing ok then
Arh thank you, I feel like printing everyone's replies to show at puppy class ha ha to prove she's not crazy, she's a lovely dog, really she is....
oh thank you, sounds like im not the only one, I felt like it last night though. The kong is a good idea, she loves them at home. I will email...
Thank you, you've given me some hope!
I enrolled in a puppy class, we are now on week 6 out of 8. Bonnie has always done the training that has been requested of her, sit, wait, lie...
OMG! beautiful girl though
Thanks for this, Bonnie sleeps in her crate in the lounge, I don't trust her yet still, she's 5 1/2 months now, ive completed cleared the hallway...
My pup is now 5 months old. She's lovely, well most of the time. I'm at home all day, She sleeps in her crate all night, and mooches about the...
Also, she isn't yet fully furry on her hips and underbelly, so sometimes when she sits on the slippy kitchen floor she has some bare skin visible...