Fingers crossed everything goes well :)
Lovely boy :) I love those almost white labs :)
I rather avoid anything Pedigree branded tbh - tried few times with different dogs & only one was tolerating their treats. Why don't you use...
I thought that Barney's allergy is more or less settled - he was just a little itchy from time to time & nothing more for few years but it looks...
I personally don't like spaying (neutering) in such a young age, prefer them to be fully mature before taking hormones from their developing...
Well done Paul :)
Really good to read that :)
Very exciting :) It will go quickly :) I have to wait for my puppy till spring next year....
Happy Birthday Willow and Shadow :)
Hello :) where are the pics / updates? :)
I'm so sorry :( Run free handsome boy....
My dogs are: 5.5 years old, 2.5 years old & nearly 7 months old & they all love their crates. They don't sleep there in the night as they sleep in...
Fingers crossed for Scooby :)
Happy Birthday Harley! :) hubby is the same - is I don't prepare everything the dogs are in danger... ;)
Lovely pictures :)
Poor Casper :( Fingers crossed painkillers will help with managing his condition :)
Congratulations :)
Looks fantastic :)
Good job Charlie :)