I emailed "puppy questionnaire" to everyone interested in my puppies. I was considering them as my pup owners only if I liked their answers, Then...
Oh she'll be disappointed :) Good luck with the swab :)
Lovely cute puppies :) Fingers crossed they all will be healthy. Are you planning to breed again? If yes please make sure you run health tests...
Happy birthday Juno ! :)
Good news :)
Discharge can last up to 6 weeks but as far as I know shouldn't be dark - my girl's looked like a season blood. Contact your vet - I hope it's...
What a lovely bundle - congratulations again :) Well done both of you :) I used Velcro collars with no problems. Little white flash on chest is ok...
Congratulations :) It's really sad that the first puppy died but unfortunately that's the part of breeding :( Thanks God all the rest are doing...
If you think it's too much go to the vets to check that. A little bit is normal but shouldn't be very much. Our problem with Barney's spots...
Pups are close now. Good luck & keep us updated :)
It might take even few days. Did she have anything to eat? She's a lucky girl that she has you :)
you're on the way if poo is soft :) Any news now or any puppies? ;)
Oh soooooo cute :) Well done for doing it in such a good, responsible way :) Those pictures make me so "broody" - I'm on a waiting list for a...
What wss her poo like?
I bought my thermometer on ebay so can't really advise where else to buy them. I heard about porridge but my mentor who's breeding for over 40...
Shelby was eating quite fine till the morning when she gave birth. As Jet started digging in the garden don't leave her alone in there just in...
Good luck in looking for new stud :)
glad to read that :) You can also try to freeze some carrot chunks in kong or give her a frozen cloth to play - should ease the pain. When Barney...
How's mummy doing? :)
I soak food when they are teething - makes eating a little easier for them.