How's Jet doing? :)
Good news :)
Poor boy :( Load of healing vibes sent your way from us.
oh... :(
Telford, West Midlands, UK :)
Happy Birthday Murphy!! :)
Sounds absolutely lovely - you should be proud of your dogs :)
Lino isn't bad idea but I still think that vet bed is better - puppies will be much comfier on that than on lino. ;) I'm sorry but I cannot...
thank you :) That's another reason to have puppies indoors - watching them, how they play, how they develop is unforgettable :)
Maybe not the best video ;) but it more or less shows the puppy pen
Just out of curiosity, if you don't mind :) , what health test have both parents? Which colours are you expecting? What's your girl's pedigree...
It's really good to read that she's feeling better & that you have you kennel name that you wanted :) Tbh keeping puppies in that shed doesn't...
If you keep puppies area clean there's no smell - at first once a day is enough but obviously later on you have to clean few times a day. What are...
I understand that everyone is different & that's up to everyone's liking but I can't imagine not being around a bitch during & post whelping - I...
I second the above - The Book of the Bitch is like a bible for breeders :) We had whelping box more or less 6' x 4' with a divider making it 4' x...
Good news. Fingers crossed for easy whelp & healthy pups :) Start monitoring her temperature from about day 52 at least twice a day. Have you got...
I'd take her to the vets just for peace of mind but wouldn't panic. A bit of clear-ish discharge is normal & so is going off the food in the...
I've done it - thank you all :)
hi, It's 100 x 100 (resized in paint) & 8.93 kb, saved in jpg but it says that format is not valid. Thanks
Mine still not working :(