No, we are in what consider to be winter but our temperatures are very moderate here. It is currently 19 degrees celcius and it is a lovely...
There were about 10 dogs in the previous class, I don't know about now - I haven't been to a class with the new trainer but this is also only the...
Interestingly, at the old agility class that I was at they asked me why I wanted to be there and I said because I want Harley to have fun and I...
I think as a training attitude in general it would be great. Almost like a mantra.
That is AWESOME!
Well done! For us the waiting for some kibble was so difficult to master. Harley would snatch and then I would pull my hand away which made the...
I agree. Rather be realistic and be pleasantly surprised. I wouldn't swop Harley for another dog in the world. But if I asked me that when she was...
@MF I know what you mean. I go to obedience classes because I feel like a terrible dog owner if I don't. And to be honest Harley is very...
We have a bit of a problem with our two cats displaying predator behaviour towards small dogs but more than any they "hunt" the braci types. I am...
Urgh, this is why the forum is good for my reality checks. I feel comfortable with my decision and willing to try something in the garden. But DH...
Everytime I see this thread pop up I quickly click hoping that, you know, the lolly stick has popped up :) or out...
The lady who held the class previously asked me if I could attend a Tuesday morning class at 11:30 but unfortunately that is a bit tough with...
Emily, I don't in anyway judge people who leave their dogs in crates or cars as long as the dog is okay in there. It is MAYHEM at our local...
Thank you for the responses. I did get a response to my private message where I said that I don't feel the need to further train Harley to be...
Urgh, I hate the feeling of being both correct and unreasonable at the same time. And that is how I feel right now. I used to attend a fun...
Much as I am the first to say that I really disliked the little puppy stage, I also have to reflect on that time and realise that I was grieving...
@jacquelina something that happened to Harley when she was little was that she would force her lower jaw into the Kong to get at the bottom bits....
Wow @Atemas are those brand new Kongs? They are in fantastic condition. Harls is really hard on hers and we have discarded a few already because...
This morning we all slept in a bit, ordered some take out, ate in bed and watched something. Lately life has been such a rush and DH and I have...
Brilliant post!