@Nick19 Pepper is just looking fantastic, not only in his coat and weight but just in the look of "home with my mom and dad" that he has in his...
This is the street facing outside perimeter of our house (no identifying info shown) the three other sides are next to other properties. Harley is...
Oh no not at all, I didn't take it like that at all. I also realise that we are privileged to be able to have Harley outside, because it is...
When I was working at a hospital full time, last year, we had Harley in the back yard until I was home except for the days that she had someone at...
This happened very recently: https://www.heraldlive.co.za/news/2018-04-19-outrage-as-police-fail-to-act-on-dog-fight/ From 2012:...
Not Johannesburg, actually a small city called Port Elizabeth but we have had a HuGE spike in violent crime, we have previously been a seaside...
For me the world is generally a scary place, that is the default I wake up with every morning and work to align it to a more functioning model but...
Are there any reports of the experience of recovering from anesthesia being significant or traumatic for animals. Because besides the neutering,...
A few weeks ago I was contacted by a foundation that manages retirements homes, old age homes and frail care centres in our city. About 8 years...
Loving Pepper's Instagram photos! He really is such lively boy.
Ahhhh @Nick19 he is too gorgeous but he has a mischievious look in his eyes...I think he is going to have quite the sense of humour. It is time...
Oh Swampdonkey, I am so incredibly heartsore for your loss but I am also revelling and celebrating the :star:FABULOUS:star: life of Moo. She came...
I have only been to one set of puppy classes because we have only had Harley but as others have said it was about socializing the pups but also...
Harley is also a completely sociable and friendly soul. She would love a play whenever she could but our oppurtunities are limited. When she goes...
Serendipity indeed! Thank you for sharing this beautiful part of your lives. I can't wait to see how Ayla adapts to this new chapter!
We have had some disruptions to our training with me needing to miss a few classes due to work and health, and then last week, preparing for CGC....
This is Harley blissfully walking passed the judge (who legitimately needed a crutch) and one of the organisers who was banging around us and...
The distraction was a person using a walker in a very noisy manner. She was so good and didn't even glance at it.
Of course! We had a new Kong Shaker for her, in my bag. She got it straight after the test. :)
I am very proud to announce that Harley has passed her Canine Good Citizen Bronze level, with flying colours. She also passed all the silver level...