I like Mia because it carries well for a call:)
Harley has a thick and coarse wave of hair near her tail. Do you mean her whole coat or something like that. But @MF has given good advise. Check...
Slightly late but happy birthday Joy, Ella and Cassie!!:cake::cancan::cake:
And even if you do, that is okay. That is what this forum is for... people who love their labs despite the fact that they were puppies once;) I am...
Awesome to hear that he is home! :)
Welcome @Leanne82 and little Maslow!
Welcome @Kaktus and Frodo from myself and Harley Quinn in South Africa. Look forward to hearing about your adventures together. No bias, he is a...
We went to fun agility today and Harley was being great so I took her off lead. And she continued to have a great time and expressed that by...
Thank you for the replies. Harley is spayed. It is very intermittant and we have had little leaks in the past but I honestly think it happened in...
Hi @Isaac, you have recieved fantastic advice and some healthy reality checks from people who currently are enduring their puppy days. I think...
It has a happened a few times but not for a good couple of months now, that Harley leaks some urine or urinates during sleep. We wake up to her...
Hehehe, I really like your change to your signature @Lex :)
Thanks for sharing @Lex. These types of days will become the most and tough days the least. I think his behaviour today is a great compliment to...
@Emily what your friend says about the Sibes is so interesting because I think it is so good that there are different dogs for different types of...
Oh my gosh! We have that too! And it is almost creepy. She just sits there, looking at us. Of course, she is waiting for the first alarm to go off...
My MIL was visiting from out of town this week and she picked hair off me everytime I was close enough to her. And she called Harley naughty and...
I know I often joke that my spirit animal is a labrador or that I am a human labrador and in some ways that is true because there is a part of me...
And according to your photo, the only clean part of Scarlett:)
ROFL!!! I love you @SwampDonkey
He is still little at the moment and I am not sure if he is too young for a Kong Wobbler but it was great for Harley. And it mentally stimulating...