You want something that when shortened will carry when called...
@Andrew Faulkner the members of this forum are spinkledall over the world but with large spoonfuls in the UK and USA. Regardless of geography...
He is a very beautiful young man. And is in fact, a chocolate baby bear in the last photo. :hug::hug:
I once had someone pick hair off my shirt because they couldnt resist. I am so sure many more have strongly resisted the urge;)
I feel like I was born to have cats and a lab... [ATTACH]
Yay! Awesome! Thank you!
Thanks @MF, I should have remembered the white labs. I can't edit the poll anymore unfortunately. I am really glad you described beautiful Snowie...
From the work hard, play hard thread I noticed a number of the dark shaded labs in the photos:) So for fun I thought a poll would be nice. I am...
Oh Lex, so so so many of us have been in the dark place where you are now, including me. I also struggled to bond with Harley and it didn't help...
Swampdonkey, I have actually avoided this thread because of my cats diagnosis and I am being a ostrich with my head in the sand. I am so sorry...
We have trained Harley to "go to" her mat/bed and then she recievedtreats there when she was younger. Now she choses to be in her bed. So we put...
Is a foldable baby pen a possibility? Or will she jump out? Harley is so good about not jumping out of hers, even though she could easily. We use...
Similar to Monty Harley also has ongoing issues with her anal glands. Same signs/lack of signs. Licking, breath and leaking if we leave it too...
Inspired by @Lara and The Pig and after typing myreply to @Nibbler's Mum I decided to give agility class one last try. If only to ensure a...
I think @Atemas had some time before her older dog accepted the new puppy but now they are thick as thieves:) I am sure there were others too but...
Isn't you getting dressed just the best game for puppy?! We had a baby pen for Harley and if we weren't both there so that we could take turns we...
I am loving your updates. Please continue posting! It helps me remember that I don't want a puppy now while at the same time have ahhhhhh moments...
I also wanted to add that I love Loki's avatar picture. He looks like such a fun young dog.
It really is a strange idea? I mean, at that age your training is part of your bonding with them. Anyway, I am glad you are both enjoying the...
No @Maxx's Mum, I don't think anyone would think you are giving Maxx wine. I think we would all think - Shame, so glad Robyn could grab a glass to...