In the last two training classes I have been to the trainers (2 different trainers for the 2 different levels) mentioned that I should have Harley...
I took Harley with to watch some agility at the show at our club. She became very excited so we went for a walk. I just have to say...oh my golly...
Oh my gosh! That looks AWESOME!!!
Thank you for the input! I think I will go have a look at what the class is about before I take Harls. I definitely don't want to compete but the...
I have been thinking for a while about starting some agility classes with Harls and she is now 18 months old with a clean bill of health. We...
Wasn't she just. She was so thrilled to be in the therapy room and I took her in about 10 minutes early so that she could get settled but she...