I have one comment - Puppies are much more exhausting than you could ever dream! :D And welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Keir from...
Happy tears indeed xx
The night doesn’t count, to be fair - he’s asleep then!
Yes, good advice from @Jojo83 We have a huge thunderstorm happening right now. Tatze is a great role model for the pups, she just snoozes, she...
Yes, this is very normal. I usually take the pup everywhere with me at first, loo shower etc etc. I leave him/her alone when s/he is tired and...
:( Use a long line?
The problems with separation anxiety could come anyway if you leave him too long. He may begin to anticipate long stays alone with your leaving....
A few hours is too long for an 11 week puppy. Up to an hour is fine, after that I would get help with puppy care. He is a social animal and...
True :(
I never bath my dogs. If they are muddy I hose them down. If they are stinky I use Cowboy Magic then hose them down. Bathing strips their...
Remember to shop around each year at renewal time as, just like car insurance, they put it up year on year but switching usually brings the price...
You tube is quite a good place for sounds. Our pups are played sound CDs several times a day from three weeks old. Once the pup is with us I...
And you get a pink dog!
Yes, Cowboy Magic is great for any stinkiness :)
I’ve just swapped insurers - always worth doing if yours bumps the premium up, which they tend to do as the dog gets older. This one is with...
That’s good news all round @PatG :D
Great to hear :D
We had a lovely brunch and Carbón behaved impeccably, he’s such a relaxed boy. Sorry, no photos - I left my camera in my car! Paul is at his...
Time for some husband training methinks :)
We call it the zoomies. Let him run it out :) .