What a wonderful photo of Paul, Carbón and Benson :heart: One to treasure.
Growling, biting and snapping are all play to pups. You need to teach her not to play with humans like she would another dog. Teach her calmly...
As @Leanne82 says she’s playing, not attacking :) When they are little I pick them up when they head for me like that, always with a toy in hand...
Good boy :clap:
I’ll be in Bristol on Sunday - afternoon would be hopeful and Snuff Mills would be really good :D (No dogs with me sadly, but I’d love to meet...
Tatze has been on Skinners for five years, salmon and rice - she’s slim, happy and healthy with a shiny coat. He poos are always firm. It has...
Brilliant! I find ‘settle’ the hardest of all the things to teach the pups. Keir has got it now - but only just in the last couple of weeks!...
Take some nice chewy thing for you to hold in your hand for him to chew. :)
Toys won’t make any difference. How about breaking it up by having him in a car harness on the back seat with you for some of the journey? I’ve...
Welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Keir from Manchester UK Tatze is my pet dog, a black Lab and she's five years old. Tatze means 'paw' in...
Blue Nun? :p https://goo.gl/images/EjF8WB
Twiglet was like this. No reason we could fathom. Her brother lived nearby and we envisioned lovely play dates. She hated him, we couldn’t let...
Ours go for bronze at about 5-6 months and silver at 10-11 months. Bronze is pretty easy - it’s the down-stay with lots of other pups doing the...
We do all the Kennel Club good citizen requirements. https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media/21392/gcdsbronze.pdf...
Not all Guide Dog owners are totally blind. My friend Mandy has a little vision out of the corner of one eye so she does know what her lovely...
Here’s to a much better day, cheering you on :clap: My good news is it looks like Keir is with me until August :dancesheep: .
Sausage head indeed :sheepfence: Sending you good lambie-vibes for a good sleep and a better day tomorrow xx .
Very sad, I’m sorry to hear what your poor Ginger is going through. A salutary lesson to all of us to get our dogs insured. .
Handsome boy :) [ATTACH]