Yes, talking to her is rewarding, as is any interaction, including eye contact. It’s pretty hard to ignore vocalisations as we are apes and react...
Her tummy will settle down. If she’s happy to do it in her pen and it’s easy to clean up I wouldn’t worry. We had a phase like this with Kara...
I agree @drjs@5 - I also wouldn’t give it every day as the toxin can build up over time.
That’s very normal and that’s the time to pop him in his crate with a filled Kong. :)
Oh yes, this. The whole idea is that the pup interacts with you in a way that is safe for your skin. Have a toy in every pocket as you walk in...
Oh Paul :oops::oops::oops: Maybe puppy pads in the bathroom? Or even puppy pads in public loos? .
It’s amazing how differently they play with pups their own age, isn’t it?
Welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Keir from Manchester UK Tatze is my pet dog, a black Lab and she's five years old. Tatze means 'paw' in...
What a good boy xx And an extra workout for you! :eek:
Nothing wrong with handsome boys in pink. Both my handsome sons wear pink.
No you haven’t. This phase is not unusual at this age. But you need to take it very slowly now. I had this with Gypsy. I took her in the car...
Well done, you survived. Onwards and upwards! The photos don’t tell the story at all, it looks like a lovely walk! And Paul ... shhhhhhhhh! .
Happy birthday Raven! :cake::chuckle::cake:
You wait ‘till those big back teeth come in. Tatze dispatches them in less than a minute! Keir is twelve months old and takes a little longer -...
Welcome to you. You need to very gradually build up the time that the pup is in the pen during the day. Whether it’s in the same room or not....
I can verify this fact. I have seen the wonder that is the Tardis with my own eyes. :)
Here is some very normal dog play. Mollie, Zaba and Tatze one year ago. :) I have a command ‘enough’ when I’ve had enough of the hoolying....