Re: Hello from a weary puppy parent Hello, and welcome. Well done you for admitting what we all go through - that it's not always an easy ride...
Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Hello Lora and Alfie! Alfie is a stunner, he's gonna steal your heart! What a cutie pie. I have Charlie girl, and...
Re: Squinting Hope she's back to normal soon. Well done you for acting so quickly. x
Re: Footballs. Again. Now THAT would have been fun to watch!! We had to stab a football once, as our young Bernese, George got it in his mouth,...
Re: Ouch ! Poor Sam in the wars! Well done on the bravery though. Sending healing hugs your way. x x
Re: Houdini Clever girl! WHat a lovely way to be woken up though eh! ;D
Re: "Look at me!" Ok just ignore me then... It does seem a good idea at the time doesn't it! ;D And then you realise the puppy pads turn into...
Re: Eeekk puppies really do eat anything I can confirm that pups do indeed eat anything.....and to think we very nearly called her Grace!! [IMG]
Re: Piriton. On buying Piriton for human consumption, I can confirm the sainsburys own brand is exactly the same, and less than half the price of...
Re: Success with cooling mats My advice would be to buy a good quality one, that can be returned if there are any problems. We bought one of...
Re: Bringing a puppy home unassisted Aw, cutie pie! x
Re: Poorly puppy Sending healing hugs. Hope she's on the mend soon. They worry us don't they! x
Re: puppy cuddle and sleeping I was the worlds worst at this stage. Charlie went everywhere in my jacket for socialisation before she could be...
Re: Life's a Beach! Gorgeous pictures. Perfect christmas. x
Re: Should dogs claws touch the floor? Vanish gold mixed in the scoop into a paste, then leave it on the blood stains, it bubbles them right out....
Re: Barbed wire This is so true. Pleased Sam was okay. I'd have hugged him for the rest of day!
Re: Just introducing myself Hello there! That's a tough blow to lose two so close together. Sorry to hear that. How lovely that you're able to...
Re: christmas present suggestions How about a dog puzzle, where treats are hidden under doors etc. Nylabones are always well received in this...
Re: How many names? They are indeed! :)
Re: Anyone braving a Christmas tree? I'm not bothering with a tree this year. My daughter is in the Navy and spending Christmas deployed so...