My colleague has a Vizsla, aged one, and he's a real handful. Hugely energetic and lively, pulls like a steam train on the lead, not settled in...
Water bowls are refreshed throughout the day (rinsed beforehand) and food bowl has been cleaned a handful of times. You could see your face in it...
I've thought about doing something like this for my girl, only in the summer when it's warm enough and only for short periods when I'm out, as I...
That thing about instant success really rings true with me. Two people I know got pups shortly after I got mine. They both signed up to the same...
Happy Birthday Stanners, you gorgeous boy :cancan::dancesheep::bone: But @JenBainbridge , where's the bed? Remember the bed? And the pic of the bed?
Whilst it might make sense that pups become housetrained more quickly if you take them out at night, this wasn't the case with my pup. She slept...
You will get there @Lex but it can be effing miserable making the journey. All advice given is good, the witching hour stinks just when you want...
If you're in UK, Pets at Home do a rope ball, it's blue, yellow and black and costs a fiver. They also do a rope 'wand' (I don't know what else to...
I'm always kissing Plum and I ask her for kisses and she dutifully obliges. I always blow her a kiss when I leave the house and tell her I love...
My vet recommended Petplan and said they paid up without quibble. I initially took out accident only insurance with cover of up to £4K but after a...
So sorry, best of luck for a safe and speedy recovery.
Really feel for you @Johnny Walker, it totally sucks. I do hope your boy is ok.
I too could have written your post @Lex, so my heart goes out to you. I felt trapped, resentful and hateful. I also felt ashamed of myself for...
I see the most poo on forest walks and on the Downs. (At my local rec people seem to be a bit more responsible.) I realised that I never saw...
I don't adore tea :eek:. Don't like it, never drink it. In fact I don't drink hot drinks which bewilders most people! Neither does my brother...
I can't help @selina27 but I thought I'd just share my experience. I've always monitored Plum's food and measure it out carefully. Post spay I...
You can get a 'dog monitor' app for £4.99. Haven't got one but it's quite well reviewed.
I had a bed next to my girl's crate and that and the crate were behind a gate in the kitchen. When she started to choose to spend more time in the...