Choosing the right time to de-crate your puppy is a bit of a judgment call. Labs can be persistent chewers for much of the first year and...
Hi Mark, congratulations on your new pup, glad to hear you have nearly made it through the crocodile phase :)
Hi Kevin and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear of the loss of your old friend. Look forward to hearing about your new puppy!
Hi there, and congratulations on your puppy! :) Having the puppy sleep in your room for the first few nights is the way to go. Being removed from...
Hi there, unfortunately this is a serious problem, and can be hard to cure, so you need to act quickly. Once a puppy has soiled its bed a few...
It’s common for people to report a range of problems in dogs entering the second half of their first year. These tend to be caused by a...
It's lovely to hear updates, and heartening for those that are still struggling with the 'bitey' phase :)
Hi there, and welcome. Glad your puppy is home and on the mend :)
Hi there and welcome to the forum, I've posted an answer to your question in the other thread
Hi there, and welcome to the forum. It sounds as though you have your hands full with an eleven month old baby and a young lab that needs a lot...
Congratulations on your new puppy! These first few weeks ARE exhausting aren't they. It sounds like you are starting to make progress though....
Hi there, when I started this forum in 2011 it was a part of the Labrador Site and mainly for Labradors and their owners. It has since evolved...
Hi there, sorry to hear your puppy has this problem, as you probably know, skin issues in Labs are not uncommon. I do hope the treatment your vet...
Congratulations on your new puppy. :) A lot of people have this problem, and it’s really a question of taking introductions at the older dog’s...
What a beautiful puppy :) Welcome to the forum
Glad you are enjoying your book :)
Carrying a growing Lab pup can be quite a strain can't it! :) If it isn't safe to put your puppy on the ground you can use a puppy sling. This is...
Hi Tony, I am a big fan of structure for puppies, but I recognise that it's important to be able to relax and enjoy your puppy. :) It's also...
Hi there, it's always worrying when a professional person casts doubt on your puppy's temperament. However, most dog trainers are not experienced...
Exciting times! Welcome to the forum!