She's beautiful! :)
Hi there, I'm afraid this is not something that dogs grow out of. You'll need to train your dog not to do it. It can be a very challenging thing...
I'm assuming your dog is in an outdoor kennel. Barking in kennels is really common and hard to stop. Especially if the dog is kenneled alone. The...
I think you might be right. I have a cat bowl in my hall. At the bottom of my stairs. There's a baby gate across the hallway so the dog's can't...
Hi there, what have you done in the way of training so far? And how long have you been training for? Teaching 'stay' and 'come' effectively...
Hi there, I am so sorry to hear your puppy is limping. I can't help you I'm afraid but just wanted to say I hope you get a diagnosis and effective...
No problem, let us know how you get on. :)
Pleased you have your puppy safely home and have got off to a good start :) Lovely to read your update, it's great to hear how new pups are getting on
How exciting! Congratulations on your new puppy and we'd love to hear your updates!
A good strategy with a dog this age is to look at each off leash period as a training session. Focus on the puppy and work hard to keep the puppy...
Hi Mike, where published scientific research is referred to it is usually listed at the foot of our articles. In this case there is a reference to...
Congratulations on your new puppy. She's beautiful! You are quite right in thinking that you need to expose your puppy to strangers. Lots of...
Hi Sabrina, welcome to the forum. Whether or not your dog's muscle mass can be improved will depend very much on the cause. Have you had a...
Hi there, and welcome to the forum.:) Puppies of any breed, do pee a lot, just how much varies from puppy to puppy. A healthy puppy will normally...
It does sound like you are doing the right thing :) I have a four month old puppy and she still isn't allowed unrestricted access to my older...
Hi there and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your new puppy, and I hope the journey goes smoothly. Look forward to hearing how you get on...
Hi there, and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you are having a tough time with your puppy right now. As you probably know this is peak bitey...
Welcome to the forum :) I hope your sessions with the professional trainer are helpful - let us know how you and Lewis get on!
Sorry for your loss John. Glad you and Shandy boy had such happy times together
Hi Barbara and welcome to the forum. There's quite a bit of information on raw feeding here on the main site. We also have a raw feeding board...