Hi Helen, and welcome to the forum. Seven months can be an awkward age for a young Lab. In many ways your dog looks very grown up, and in some...
Hi Gill, your puppy does sound quite underweight. And it sounds as though the puppy had a very poor diet before you collected him, so hopefully he...
Hi there, so sorry for your loss - the Brittany is a lovely breed, and six is very young. My main hesitation in your situation would be the...
Hi Dave, it's a great plan to get up in the night to prevent accidents. You really do need to create some kind of puppy zone area in your home on...
I also agree with Edp's comments. But this concerns me too: I see this such a lot right now, and it's very worrying. Being able to invest more...
In an ideal world, you'd switch brands by mixing a little of the new brand in with the old on day 1, then one third new, two thirds old on day 2,...
The first thing to say is this is most unlikely to be related to the fact that your dog is not neutered. As your son was trying to pet the dog...
Hi Sam, and welcome to the forum. These are certainly extraordinary times. If the puppy has been separated from all its siblings, then the...
In a couple of months, you'll likely be posting that your puppy rushes off too quickly when you leave the house :) Take your time. And use food....
I think you are right to be watchful, but I would not tell the older dog off for playing with the puppy's toys. You want the older dog to...
There are some concerns about antler chews because of the number of tooth fractures that have been attributed to them. One alternative, that gives...
There are lots of reasons for stick eating, including boredom, and most chew toys don't satisfy the urge to gnaw on wood that some puppies seem to...
Hi Zorbas and Aris. - Welcome to the forum :)
Hi Gill tail damage can be problematic in Labradors, as they are such enthusiastic tail waggers that that it's common for a wound to keep...
Are you still having this problem today @mummyp85 ?
I am very sorry to hear of your predicament Donna. Yours is not an uncommon problem. And you are very brave to recognize that your situation may...
Hi Peter, you are right to be nervous about that approach. Not all dogs 'give up' easily. And barking / howling can become a habit. Some dogs...
From time to time we get posts from people with new puppies that are hoping to return to work full time and leave their puppy in a crate for all...
Hi there, it's fairly normal for young bouncy puppies to be a bit over the top and annoying to older dogs. It's important to ensure that your...
Hi there, sorry to hear you are having problems. It isn't unusual for 2 adult dog to not get along to start with. It sounds as though they may...