Xena and Nell, I know exactly how you feel. This was my xmas present. [ATTACH] like seriously I wear this after having been to the beach or...
So Sorry to read this.
So Sad
Sorry for your loss. Hannah was a beautiful girl and has a captivating smile.
Hope Harley is feeling better and the bump has subsided a bit. Hopefully no trip to the vet is required.
Nice to read and yes the bond is great. I can relate (not retired), we are similar when it comes to 2 walks a day whilst working. But having been...
Well done the both of you. It is always nice when things just start to click for our little ones
@SteffiS I do sympathise as Vanilla has been ill since Saturday last week and only just now getting better (over a week). Several trips to the vet...
Pig I am in the same boat as you. OK no stuffed mushroom in this house, but no xmas dinner for me either. I do feel better now so don't...
Merry Cristmas to everybody. Hope your day is filled with joy
Tuppy and Holly I have 2 apple trees at my end. My hoomans have never tasted them yet as I eat them straight from the tree. Apperantly they are...
I have been doing that too for ages, and it is fun. If I give you the coordinates maybe we can meet somewhere half way? Just not sure how long...
Thanks all, but I think I live to far away to come to any of yours or to tricky. I tried stamping my feet but has not helped, well only in that I...
HOLD EVERYTHING, I just counted those days and it means I get no CHRISTMAS DINNER :eek::eek::(:( Someone help me....
I had to go back to the bum lady again today. She stuck that thing in me again, she only did it yesterday. Honestly the dignity...anyhow I now...
Happy Birthday Axel. Hope the tail was good...
I drank some of the water in the mop bucket, they left it out...but that did not taste good. Tried some cat poo, but again not that good....it was...
I am still poorly so apperantly I heard them saying I am going to the Bum lady. I was getting better but then just had to go in the house.......
Happy gotcha day Luna
Well Simba did not get a present during the exchange so got his own. Well done.. :cake::cwl::tail: So next years event all booked in? Hope...