Excellent, now I hope it has full commentary and she can then be editing the footage for a final version to be distributed to all her friends :)
Could you hook up a live link just to make sure the supervision is fully integrated? Glad it is not as bad as originally thought. Excellent xmas...
@selina27 I don't cue or use the words, same as @snowbunny. Just click for the distraction and reward. Not sure if it is luck or a lot of...
That is pretty normal to me and also makes life easier at times. We have been working on this with Vanilla for a long time and in the last 6months...
Sorry to hear about your friend. Just thinking is there no way she coukd approach the SPCA and ask if she could pay for the surgery in...
I have kept daddy awake most of the night again...apperantly I need to make my mind up about which end I am going for. He is now cocking chicken...
I went to the beach yesterday and had so much fun. But somehow I also had to go to the bum lady. It was not the normal one but I still liked her....
And here was me thinking it would be a serving spoon :D
OK I am not sure if Stanley or you are supposed to be in that picture. If so you are very good at blending in...or is it one of those 'head...
Sorry to hear about Moo. At least she still is happy and plenty of cuddles and still being bossy. Hugs for you and licks for Moo Now I hope this...
Ripple - Not all mums. My mummy has to report to Daddy. She calls him the 'Poo Inspector'. Not sure what that means but he inspects it most of the...
I had a similar question a while back (if I remember) but thete have been that many posts who knows. I might just be dreamin. Anyhow back to your...
Good Boy Coco. Maybe the whining is the 'Are we there yet' equivalent?
Seriously you have to ask? :) Cuddles, cuddles and more cuddles. And cheering you up and making you laugh. What more would one need or want :D
Happy ending especially leading into the festive season
Well done, good girl Hattie
Just a thought, maybe we need to attend LFA. Of course this would have to be done online and on here :p
We do train with no treats on me and to finish a sequence we have to back to where I left the treats. She still behaves and does what I ask. But...
Only non professional online profile I have. Then again owning a Lab is professional so all my online profiles are professional. Does that count?
Sorry it is not getting any better. Hopefully you will get a good night and can avoid a trip to the Vet