Re: Greeting people and dogs on walks We have 4 children aged between 2 and 9 and I childmind so Tess is around children a lot, but if I see...
Re: Greeting people and dogs on walks My Tess is 16 weeks now and just the same! We take her to town every week but that seems almost easier for...
Re: Anyone have pictures - puppy vs adult? What gorgeous photos everyone! I'm really interested to see what Tess will look like as an adult too,...
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! That's exactly what I'm thinking, it's giving us the chance to work around lots of other dogs and...
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! We survived ;D It wasn't totally ideal but I think we'll stick with it. When we arrived we walked...
Re: Yeah for Primula Cheese :):) Great tip! Do you literally squirt a little bit in their mouths? I imagine Tess would try to make off with the...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? I had Tess weighed today at 16 weeks and she's 14.7kgs. Growing so big so fast!
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! I emailed the lady who runs the outside class and she said all the puppies are the same, they just...
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! Thank you :) I have been giving Tess a treat out of the blue when she's settled (and not thinking...
Re: Car anxiety Now you mention it, as well as the Easter break with days out, for the first few weeks I drove Tess literally to the end of our...
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! Thanks all. I'm going to email the lady who runs the outside classes and ask her advice on how to...
Re: Car anxiety Tess hated the car to begin with, it was pretty much the only thing that fazed her in the early days and she whined and howled in...
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! The one we went to today is one where you pay for the whole course up front but I think I can get...
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! Thanks all, I've had two glasses of wine AND a chinese take away (and have completely forgotten...
Re: Feeling 'meh' after our first puppy class! That's my instinct Kate, I feel like we're doing ok as we are! Tess does meet other dogs on walks,...
Today was our first puppy class. We travelled almost an hour because I wanted the 'right' class and when we got there the lady was surprised to...
Re: Woah!!!! Wow! ;D
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! I just wanted to report back that we've had a great couple of days ;D I really like the Kikopup videos (I always...
Re: The puppy retrieve Excellent, thank you!
When did your puppy 'get it'? Tess really doesn't, she just wants to get whatever I've thrown and leg it, even if I try and do it somewhere she...