Re: When I stroke my puppy (3 months old) on the head, she turns and nips at me I'm forever telling my husband that the way he strokes her is...
Re: Leads - descending into farce Sorry, I'm not sure it is in the book now you mention it ... but it is here :)...
Re: Bite Inhibition Everybody said it, I'm pretty sure I didn't entirely believe it, I do now ;D
Re: Leads - descending into farce Tess, now 15 weeks, is fine on her lead for walks but yesterday I put it on her in the house and she was going...
Re: Bite Inhibition Tess lulled us in to a false sense of security by being an angel for the first month!
Re: Not long til our new arrival! She is gorgeous! I'm so sad that our Tess's puppy belly is getting hairy :o Where is she from? She looks quite...
Re: Bite Inhibition Just adding my support here! I too have been in tears this week over my darling 15 week old crocodile. It's difficult to...
Re: Clicker training for jumping up So true. My family are ok, even the children - but people we meet out and about, not so much! Even the ones...
Re: Clicker training for jumping up She is great at sitting but we haven't had much success in getting her to use it as an alternative when she...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Thank you! I don't know why I haven't tried do nothing at home yet. It would also be good for visiting people!
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! I saw there was a video on klikopup for it, might check it out! We always do a 'do nothing' on our walks and she knows...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! :) I thought about it and she is actually calm and relaxed at other times, they just don't coincide with when we're...
Re: Clicker training for jumping up Thank you! A lot depends on her mood too, sometimes she's completely calm, other times the opposite!
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Lol, she does do it - but not when she's in the room with us! Sometimes really late at night when she's been sleeping...
Tess is coming up to 15 weeks and I think we've been very consistent about not rewarding her for jumping up at all, but still over the past couple...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! I'm feeling a bit like we've done something wrong because I saw a post from the owner of one of her litter mates -...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Yes, it's selfish of me wanting a cuddle or a foot warmer really! In the early weeks she slept at our feet in the...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! I was just saying to my hubby that every time we're out and she's playing with a dog and I recall her I pretty much...
Re: Bonnie still attention biting at 6 months If it helps, our home situation is different and we face the same issues! We have four young...
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Thanks Philippa! My eldest son and I took her in to town yesterday morning as we want to make sure she's regularly...