Re: Taking divider out of crate ;D I think I'll do it, she quite likes to snuggle up to the blanket we were using over the top and it takes up...
We bought a full size crate for Tess and divided it off so it wasn't big enough for her to create a toilet area. She's coming up to 11 weeks and...
Re: Slip leads Silly question ... would the limited slip lead be suitable for my puppy? It sometimes takes me such a long time twiddling about to...
Re: Some initial questions I started trying to teach Tess to touch the back of my hand - but she generally tries to nip it, which of course I...
Re: A couple of questions re biting I think we'll just lock it, I don't want a dog flap, I worry that if it's big enough for a Labrador it's big...
Re: Some initial questions Oh that's interesting LisaB, thank you!
Re: Some initial questions I just noticed your signature - we had two cats called Tinker and Bella. Bella is still here, tip toeing around the...
Re: Some initial questions I was too quick off the mark ;) Hopefully there will be something helpful in there!
Re: A couple of questions re biting Fab thank you. We started learning leave it today. Love how much of a sponge she is at the moment!
Re: Car crate The crate has to happen unfortunately, there are no spare seats in the car! I took my eldest son out with me this evening, we...
Re: A couple of questions re biting So I made sure the door wasn't open all day today, walked out in to the utility room and Tess wasn't there!...
Re: A couple of questions re biting Thank you by the way Julie, I will make sure we only prop the door open when we're busy and that we continue...
Re: A couple of questions re biting This is only when she's in her room (the utility room) unattended. I work from home and can't give her my...
Re: A couple of questions re biting July will be lovely with the warmer weather! Tess has got really good at taking herself out to her toilet...
I've read all the articles so I hope I'm not repeating anything :) Tess is 9 weeks and from the beginning she has had a lovely gentle mouth. My...
Re: Car crate I don't think it helps that I drive a VW Caravelle so she can't see out of the window when she's in her crate, it must be a strange...
Re: Car crate She loves her crate at home and puts herself in it countless times each day. She also gets several Kongs a day which she enjoys but...
Tess is 9 weeks and nothing has bothered her at all except going in her car crate. She cries and howls like crazy. We try to talk to her if she...
Re: Some initial questions Thank you!
Re: Stuffed kongs Ha, I assumed without the tomato sauce, she has cream vet bed ;-)