Well I'm pretty sure I'm in the same place as Vanilla so I must be upside down too? Boy is it confusin' but I would really love to meet you all....
Oh dear...I know how you all feel. Our summer was so hot, poor Maxx would just lie chin-down on the cool tiles chomping on ice cubes. I hope it...
Happy Happy birthday Raven!
Welcome from Maxx and I in Sydney, Australia. Please let us know how you get on
A big welcome from Maxx and I in Sydney, Australia. This forum is awesome - enjoy
I said to hubby yesterday ''I forget, who exactly is running the show these days?"
What is it with slippers? Last night Maxx was so tired, he was on his bed snoring away while we watched TV. We had the heater on and my feet got...
Apologies, typo! I meant a BIG welcome :)
I nearly choked with laughter! What a tool that man was. @leejane - how terrifying for you. I am so so glad Monty was ok. You must have been...
Good luck Emily, I can't wait to hear all about the big adventure.
An an an then we went to the Dog Park this arvo! There were SO MANY DOGS!! I've never seen so many and we had the bestest bestest time. Me and...
Crikey it was cold this mornin' on our walk! My ears were numb. But we came across a group of hoomans doing something called 'boot camp' and I...
Welcome to the forum Anna. A big welcome from Maxx and I in Sydney, Australia.
A bit welcome from Maxx and I in Sydney, Australia. I echo Sophie's advice, we had some very unhappy times when Maxx was little as we were not...
Welcome to the forum! How exciting for you - only 12 days to go! My husband picked Maxx up on his own and it was a 2.5 hour journey each way....
I had to run to the loo for a little cry reading this at work....we lost our boy Benson 7 years ago and like Edzbird said, the pain was...
Happy Happy birthday gorgeous Keir!
That is such a shame and very concerning and frustrating. Everything is crossed that Aspen has not contracted it
It's terrible, but I always feel a bit of relief to know we are not the only people who struggle with keeping our dog calm when other dogs/people...
Mum's at home today Yay! But we all sleept in 'cos she didn't have to get up early so I missed the early crowd at the dog park. There were only...