Did we marry the same man? Last night OH: "Maxx sit on your mat" OH (louder) "MAXX SIT ON YOUR MAT!" OH (louder still) "MAXX SIT ON YOUR MAT...
So happy for you :)
Glad you're feelin' better Stanley. I haven't had any new toys in FOREVER. So I've been tryin' to tell the hoomans by chewing on the mats,...
Happy happy birthday Penny! :doug:
When Maxx was 10 weeks we had inconsiderate overseas visitors staying (hubby's best friend who he hardly ever gets to see so I couldn't say no) so...
Bears? Neighbourhood? And they say Australia is a scary place with our snakes and spiders and killer koalas! @Kelsey&Axel I would be scared out...
More nightmares :confused: glad you're ok Willow an Shadow an Squidgy Mum's home today so she came on our big mornin' walk. We went to the river...
Crikey. Give me venomous snakes and spiders any day! We have wild pigs in the outback and I saw one once from the back of a ute when visiting a...
I just started work and yep, worst time of the day. The only good thing is logging on and catching up on all the doggy news overnight while we...
I hope Red is better soon....they are a worry in these times aren't they?
Hmmmm.....Fred does look rather satisfied with himself doesn't he?
I simply can't fathom how they can decide that a 10 month old with a runny tummy could possibly be a pre-condition to something 2 years later? I...
Get in line @Candy ;)
I only just saw this thread and have read it end-to-end. Maslow (or Hercules?) is just a gorgeous angel :heart: My OH also doesn't follow...
We went to Aunty Sue and Uncle Pat's new place yesterday! It was great! Got some pics..hang on... Here's me listenin' as Dad is telling me...
I was quite proud of Maxx yesterday. We visited friends to see their new house about an hour away. They love dogs but can't own their own dog...
He is just gorgeous....happy Birthday Homer :tail:
Maxx is so excited about the Royal Wedding tonight! [img]Princess Maxx by Robyn Armstrong, on Flickr
I'm 7 months old today! I am celebratin' by getting Mum up extra early 'cos its Saturday. Welcome to our forum Pepper and yes @Stacia is only...
I'm so sorry Jen, you must be so worried and disappointed about your lovely holiday. I hope you can get some sort of refund so you can go another...