@snowbunny That's good to know! Thank you!
@QuinnM15 Oh that makes sense!! Thanks for the clarification! They sure do love their food/treats :D
Thanks @edzbird! @QuinnM15 We did the Virbac VeggieDent sticks but they didn't seem to do much for his teeth. I wonder if those rawhide chews...
@edzbird what kind of tooth paste do you use? Do you brush after morning meal and then evening meal?
@Karen Oh, that worries me...he is scheduled for the 20th so I am hoping we will get OK news. I would do e”whatever it takes to make sure his...
@TheresaM thank you thank you for your input! I always thought it was odd that he had more buildup than other dogs older than him. I don’t have...
@Naya I am hoping the tartar will clear up. At this point it is mostly aesthetic but he sometimes has stinky breath.
@Karen I will do that. We are switching to a new vet that our trainer goes to because the previous one just wasn’t very understanding. Here is a...
I seriously considered giving my puppy to my boyfriend's mom because quite honestly, I hated him when we first got him. I couldn't stand the sight...
Aspen will be going to his 1 year check up soon here and I am not sure what they will say about his teeth. He has a lot of tartar (I think?) I'm...
I was late to the teeth brushing game and my almost 1 year old already has tartar buildup that has made his teeth brown. I've started brushing his...
This is how our puppy played too. He would latch onto neck skin, ears, even lips of other older, larger dogs while playing. Puppy play, and...
@Sven She is gorgeous! Even smiling for the photo :-)
I am thinking about getting Aspen an elevated bed like this one...
Our boy no longer gets anything like ropes or soft toys because he destroys them. Honestly it sounds more like you need chew toys rather than play...
Can they eat raw ox tail? We don't really have butchers nearby where we live. Aspen has gotten raw chicken wings and thighs as well as freeze...
Our boy does this, and has since he was a pup. He sleeps like this too! And will hold toys in his front paws and play laying on his back. Labs...
I was looking into a double ended leash too. I have this irrational fear that the one we have now is going to snap and Aspen will get loose!
I know that a red lab is technically a yellow lab, but I see SO many red labs on Instagram that are "red labs" but are much more pale than Aspen,...
Aspen will be one year in a month which means he is a growing boy. He is around 70lbs now (I think) and he is really, really strong. I'm not that...