As your puppies were growing into adult dogs, did you ever have that realization about their size when next to other larger dogs? My sister's dog...
My dog rarely barked as a puppy. My sister's dogs, on the other hand, bark at any little noise. When he was about 4 months old, there was someone...
Oh, how horrible..I can't even imagine how he feels. It is sometimes hard to remember that yes, they are still animals. My heart goes out to your...
Thank you everyone for your kind words! Aspen got carrots & PB today and lots of snuggles. I am so glad I found this forum when I first got him at...
Thank you @kateincornwall, I am also thinking I am very lucky Aspen was able to come home after our incident. I just read the piece, and it is...
My 8 month old goes out for his last wee about 10 and then gets crated again until 8am.
So last night we got a lot of snow. Aspen has had reliable recall despite being a teenager and we have been practicing it in class. We were out...
My boy has been improving tons! He still jumps up and gets very excited for other people/dogs, but he is becoming SUCH a good boy. He knows when...
Oh thanks you @Me and my dog!! You too! We hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
@Ski-Patroller Got it, thanks! I don't think we could get to do it this winter because it seems to require a good amount of training and Aspen...
@Georgieboy Ahh yep that's the stage we are at! Aspen's idea of fine dining is some Kleenex and kibbles. :D
The snow has finally fallen in Wisconsin and that means winter fun! I have read up a bit on skijoring and am interested in doing that with Aspen....
Why? My sister's little Westie won't eat just anything. Her Belgian Malinois is not food motivated, but occasionally eats poo. My boyfriend's...
@Me and my dog Yes, Aspen is still a biter an a jumper...but he has also been growing so much. He will kennel when told to, and he likes snuggling...
@Me and my dog How is Pearl doing?
@EmmaHughes I've never had my own kid, but I'd say so! Aspen wasn't chompy all the time. I think it is more just a matter of keeping their mouths...
@EmmaHughes it sure is a chore! I loved seeing the little needle teeth come out although it was bittersweet!
Our boy got lots of ice, I would freeze apple chunks in water in a plastic cup so I could give the ice black to Aspen, soaking ropes in water and...
It has taken almost half a year but...Aspen will go kennel if we say "Go kennel!" now without a fuss! We used to have to Hansel & Gretel him into...
Aspen will hump this pillow that we have and I guess we haven't really tried to stop it because he doesn't hump other dogs. But last night he...