so funny!!
Milo my 11 week old plays very rough with my cat too, everytime he goes to bite him/jump on him I just pick him (milo) up and plonk him in his pen...
Oh it's just horrendous. Come on Casper you can do it. As everyone says we are all sending our good wishes and thinking of you all. xx
Im so sorry to ready this. I know the shock you feel as 8 months ago my 2 year old fit and healthy golden boy died suddenly whilst out on a walk...
9 weeks old today and had him for just over a week now. He is from the same Mum and Dad as Maisie so they are brother and sister :) [ATTACH]...
Hi welcome to the forum! Thats so funny as my name is Frankie (sometimes shorted to Fran!) and I used to have a golden lab called Murphy.
Iv only just seen this thread! I like taking my dogs with me wherever I can. In salcombe there is a great dog friendly pub which provides blankets...
Oh no Kate :( sending you all hugs and licks from Maisie. Xx
Bleurgh! I pulled out of Maisie's mouth a very squished dead mouse. I was inthe car at the time and when I realised I freaked out and threw it...
He doesn't know... It was with all the fat from the roasting tin. He really doesn't know though lol
Lucky she came in with a greasy head and smelt like onion and he then said he had put some in the bush. So silly! He feels really bad though.
Beware stupid husbands putting a whole roasted onion that had been roasted with a bit of pork in a bush in your garden. My husband just did this...
Ha thats hilarious! We have decided why stop maisie sleeping with us when we all like it so much :) I like how this thread has gone. Julie your...
My Murphy died suddenly aged 2 earlier this year. He was fit and healthy, doing agility etc, and then out on a walk he just dropped dead....
Murphy before he died only slept on our bed at the weekend or when we randomly wanted him to. He never expected to come up and would stay on the...
Well after half an hour of whines and puppy barks (even though she is one and has a deep bark when she wants!) I ended up letting her up with us....
Lol that made me laugh Julie. Yes but at some point in the near future we also want to have a baby so I don't think it's practical. I'm conscious...
Since Murphy died Maisie has been sleeping on our bed with us. Before we moved and she still had her crate she would occasionally sleep in it, but...