Just bought that wash bag, looks great!
Iv donated. He looks like murph :) x
Thanks everyone. Was just feeling so down. Every time I think of him it makes me want to scream and Iv constantly got a knot in my stomach. My...
Having a hard evening. For some reason oh and I just can't stop crying :(
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how you must be feeling, And there isn't really anything I can say that will make you feel better, but time...
So so sorry to read this :( xx
I am so sorry for all this. I really hope you see some changes soon. Stay positive, he is in the right place. Thinking of you x
I had to leave home at 5am this morning so my husband had to feed Maisie and give her her piriton. I noticed when I got home this evening that she...
Oh poor Casper :( like everyone has said, he is so lucky to have you, you will do everything you can for him so he will be comfortable and happy....
Just got back from rushing her for an emergency appt after finding her straining to poo and licking her lips in the garden, i rang the vets again...
Since Murphy died (3 weeks) I have been at the vets more with Maisie than in the 7 months I have had her. It started with lots of sneezing and a...
I used to put coconut oil on Murphys cracked paws. Luckily it is safe for them to eat as he used to lick it off but it is meant to help with dry...
Aw gorgeous! My auntie had the same sort of conundrum when she bought her working cocker puppy, she had her for a week and thenwas away for 10...
Thanks everyone. I'm not going to make any rash decisions and everything you are all saying is so helpful. We heard about both murphys breeder and...
It's such a difficult decision! As I said I am basing my thoughts at the moment on what Murphy was like. Reading about the breeder in more detail...
Murphy had a good working pedigree and he was perfect in lots of ways. That's what makes me want to get a working one again. I was reading their...
Ok, it's high hazel gundogs. Has anyone heard of them or have any experience? X
I think we will go up before. They are only a week old at the mo though so we'd go up when they were older. I don't think we will get to pick...
Yes he was really lovely on the phone. I definitely want a boy and also only a fox red or chocolate as he cant look too similar to Murphy. His...
I have just been on the phone with a lovely gentleman up in Yorkshire who has some beautiful fox red puppies. They are only a week old at present....