She's back home now and currently in Murphy's bed fighting off sleep with me say on the floor next to her. She's keeps pacing around whining and...
Just had call from vet. The sedative wasn't enough as the area was so sensitive for her so they upped it to basically a full anaesthetic....
All weekend Maisie has been sneezing and sniffing and snorting, so took her to the vets this morning (I really didn't want to have to go back...
Thank you everyone. I am just in a daze. We took him ourselves to a lovely private crematorium called Charlie's Parlour that doesn't put them in...
I am devastated to write that Murphy sadly died this morning. He was out on a walk with my dog walker and collapsed. She did cpr and rushed him to...
This is an interesting thread. I have just signed up to next years bath half marathon and i want to do some training with murphy (obvs not maisie...
Wiltshire, UK
Thanks Kate! I thought i copied the entire bbcode into the box but obviously not. Also i am back as my old login now :)
Re: I need to learn when to stop! Sounds great! I have a smiliar problem with maisie retrieving at the mo, she doesnt have quite the drive that...
Re: Blockage, please help ! I know no news is meant to mean good news.. But silence is scary!
Re: Blockage, please help ! Hope he's ok, please let us know! X