Wow, that is some road trip. Look forward to seeing some photos.
Hope you both get some sleep tonight. Poor Harley X
Pleased to hear Belle is getting back to her usual self :)
Fingers crossed that Belle continues to get relief.
Congratulations and well done to you both :happyfeet::chuckle:
Dexter hasn't embarrassed me, yet, but one of my cats use to often. He proudly came home with 1lb of cheese once from a neibours kitchen. I...
We were really lucky, Dexter slept through the night from 11pm to 5am with no accidents from night 3. OH is up at 5am for work. We were just very...
Oh bless him, get well soon little Bailey.
I'd hold on to that excuse to :nod:, it sounds like Jackie's training is coming along nicely. :)
That must have been frightening, Ternaya. Hope you're getting plenty of rest and feel better soon.
Hi, sorry I have no idea but hope it clears up. All I can say is get the vet to take a look on Tuesday unless it becomes worse, then go sooner.
Winnie you are gorgeous :heart:
Happy birthday Coco :bone:
Congratulations on your new puppy, I only had to wait 3 days for Dexter. It must be like forever for you until 12th June. :cancan: looking forward...
Sorry to hear that you are still very poorly and hope the medication soon has you better. Glad to hear that Harley is feeling better. Sending...
It all sounds like excellent fun :doug:
Very exciting times ahead, enjoy yourselves :happyfeet:
This is getting really exciting, Helen. What does Charlie do when he finds the toy? You are such a clever boy Charlie :tail:
Hi, I'd be shattered too, poor you and Beau. The only other thing I would try is reducing the amount of food you feed him a bit. Often (if you are...
Sorry to hear you are poorly too. I hope you are both on the mend soon. X