Hi and welcome from me and Dexter who is a 11 month old yellow lab. Sorry to hear about the loss of your old boy but wow, what an amazing age he...
Hi and welcome from me and Dexter :)
I have absolutely no experience in this but I wouldn't want my dog to act in that way. A special friend, yes, but not her guard. In my mind it...
This is really interesting as I tried treating Dexter when he was laying down nice and quiet of his own accord and thought it was really working...
Welcome, I can't add to the advice that Barbara has given you but wanted to say hi from me and Dexter :)
Hi Allen from me and my 11 month old yellow boy, Dexter :doug:
I hope you get success with it too :) Be consistent with stopping with every pull from your dog, it still is all about training. Lots of changes...
We have pet protect, £20 per month for lifetime cover. We know it has a limit on some things but we are very happy with them and had no problems...
Sounds like a fabulous training session and a great trainer too. :D
I haven't fully read about BAT as yet but from its title I'd say it may be. The click can break the focus on the trigger to bring the dog to...
I can sleep in as my husband is an early riser, even earlier than Dexter most of the time :)
Helen and Hattie, I love following your journey as a PAT team. You both do amazingly well :heart:
My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Your boy sounds like he was a lovely, happy chap. He has left you with many awsome memories to...
Hi, I switched to the Happy at Heel harness in March from a back fastening harness. It was the best decision I made. I could stop if Dexter...
That was lucky it was found early. Wishing Daisy a speedy recovery :)
Hi Dave, I'm not very experienced but I would do as @charlie has advised or turn in the opposite direction if it was possible to gain distance...
I hate it when owners let their off lead dogs run up to Dexter without even trying to stop them. I know Dexter has done this but I've really been...
Does this have a non slip back and where can I get the high grade ones? I got my non slip Vetbed from Amazon but Dexter likes to pull the fluff...
Hi LP, Dexter is 11 months old, I still treat every 'leave it' and 'drop it' for picking up stuff out and about with varying high to low value...