Great location and a good start. Just need to practice more often, you will get there.
If the bleeding has not settled with antibiotics, he needs to go back to the vet for further investigations. Give your vet a call, best wishes.
Ah yes, I remember it well. I used to get fed up with a the perfect little dogs at class that strutted round perfectly whilst Meg was doing her...
Well done Monty, that's fantastic. The 1 minute stay is super tough. Great work though, bring on silver and the cat chasing will...
I would too been annoyed and you are certainly not over reacting. Any dog at a vets can behave in many ways due to illness, pain , fear etc...she...
Hi, there is someone on the forum who has been through this with her lab and is very knowledgeable @J.D hopefully she will chime in. If not, look...
The answer to your question have a 9 week old puppy! All this is super normal and you have a way to go before it all settles down. It's...
Hi sounds great progress, recall progress is awesome. We had a child gate on our kitchen door for a while, it was just easier for us when they...
Ooh just enjoy, they are all different
Hi if you have a look in the search function of the top of the page. There are lots of threads under hip scores that will probably answer your...
My vet always said after first heat. I have had 3 girls, all done at this time with no problems. All lived to a ripe old age.
Hello, she is young yet and of you read a lot of the old posts on here, you will find many the same. Lab pups are notorious for biting more than...
Maybe something has spooked him. Could you change you walk a bit, walk a different way, introduce a new toys or some amazing treats to try and...
Keep going, don't be despondent. He is still super young and making great progress. He's at a tricky age with behaviours not proofed . Meg was...
Great progress
Can you restrict his access to that area for a while, to try and break the habit. The area probably smells like his toilet now, so will encourage...
Good luck, keep us posted :)
Does that timeline fit with changing lockdown rules ? I guess she was pretty young when all visitors to the home stopped, her behaviour would not...
Sounds a great start, well done Monty and you. Don't worry about the lack of focus, it's age appropriate and with consistency it will come. Stick...
It's very easy to get them wound up and over boisterous at this age. Instead of playing you could try some training exercises which help your dog...