Hello, what are you doing with him in the day to wear him out physically and mentally. A content settled dog won't typically do this. So, how...
Hello, I think most of us on here have been in your situation one time or another. I have been there 4 times now and totally understand your mixed...
Pheweeee indeed . Great news.
Hello, your post is so relatable, most of us have been there. The cactus comment made me smile. My pup was a crocodile cactus, I had holes in my...
Hello, one of the first things at obedience class they get to to teach your pup is how to be able to settle. It's a great aid to get your fog to...
I guess it depends on the training group. My over bouncy, boisterous lab went to Kennel club obedience classes for her first year. Each week...
What does your current landlord say ? Really it is up to individual landlords to decide how they let their houses out, so what is in your current...
Maybe you have turned it into a game, with both of you giving him attention. I would be inclined to remove it for a while and work on a solid...
What does he do with it ? I don't think he's naughty just needing it, maybe or comfort when you are out. If he's not destroying them, could you...
My lab is a delight, calm and affectionate. However, those behaviours like in any dog come from patience and consistent training. Also with a lab...
Hi, I think its just immaturity and lack of impulse control. Lots of new stimulating sounds and smells that send a young dog a bit over the top....
Oh no, such a shock for you. Look after yourself :(
It sounds like a combination of separation anxiety and boredom. Probably by being alone alone to long, maybe due to your work schedule. Could...
Hello, I do think that urge to snap for a treat settles with maturity and general impulse control. Do you ask him to wait before you give the...
Hello, they can be chewy if not distracted or able to self settle. That's quite a bit of destruction though. When does he do it ? Is there a...
Hi, do you think it could be over zealous play ? At his age he will be full of beans no doubt, so maybe he is bored and wanting to play. Do you do...
Hello, it is impossible to say. Only your vet can advise. Dogs get all sorts of lumps and bumps which are harmless. Also, they can be more...
Hello, its really early days for you but in my experience dogs and cats eventually work out their relationship. I wouldn't force it, just make...
Its a great book. Also read all the old threads on here, they are super helpful.
Hello, 7 months is a boisterous age. It is quite hard. Sounds like he wants to play. What exercise is he getting, a good run about would burn off...