I agree with @5labs all our dogs have had uninterrupted peace and quiet whilst eating. We have never fussed them, and fed them separately when we...
Hello many folk manage to balance leaving dogs whilst having to work, so you are among many if us that do on this forum. All dogs are different...
Just make sure the cat can not get cornered and has safe escape routes. Give them plenty of time, they will become pals eventually.
Oh my, so sorry to read this . You must be heartbroken. Hope Mum is ok and you can both comfort each other. Take care .
Hi, I am in the Uk and have had 2 dogs. My vet wouldn't do it unless there was a problem. My Newfoundland died intact age 13 and my Malamute was...
Phew, great to hear. It is wise to be cautious with such little ones.
Probably best chat to your vet, young puppies can get poorly very quickly, not worth waiting to see if they deteriorate. Hope all is well.
How long is she in her crate for ?
Have a search on here about the second fear phase, some go through it at this time and grow out of it without lasting problems. I agree with @J.D...
I was going to say similar to @5labs . Maybe focus your training on how to settle, rather than entertain/exhaust. We worked really hard on "go to...
Definitely age related and to some extent season related. I think Autumn/Winter, darker mornings, you should get some later starts. Hang in there.
Have you had a chat with your vet ? After about 16 weeks puppies bladders mature abit and should be able to go much longer than that. So could be...
Hi, I am no expert but it does sound excessive. Fetch is not the best activity for growing dogs due to jarring on their develping joints. Maybe...
At a year they are still very much an over grown pup and no behaviour is really proofed yet. How long is he being left in the crate ?
I have had 3 girls spayed and they have all pretty much managed themselves. I just let them potter rather than a formal walk. That said they were...
That is tough, hard I guess. She's been a little fighter, difficult to let go. Hopefully maybe to someone near, so you can still see her.
Are you going to keep her ?
Lovely to hear. You must be relieved.
Welcome and how exciting, be sure to pop back and let us know how you are all getting along.
That works a treat...:)