Lol! I just stay up on the deck and scout out the yard below before letting him go down the stairs
It’s a bit nerve racking that’s for sure! I think the worst snake we have is the Rattle Snake, a few dogs have been bitten by those in the last...
Thinking of you all:hug:
Ugh it’s that time of year again, when the bears start prowling my neighbourhood. I’m too chicken to let Axel go out alone after dark so I go out...
Happy Birthday Homer! So handsome:inlove:
Sorry to hear, hope Stanley is feeling much better soon and hope you get answers quickly too:hug:
Beautiful picture:hug:
Oh good, such a worry with the time frame of going on holidays. But try to take comfort in the fact that he’s lively and wanting to eat and drink:)
Is he on a GI food right now to help with the stomach upsets or just the pills? GI food always helps Axel tremendously
I would love a beach like that where I live :)
Oh no! Poor Willow, glad she started to get some relief quite quickly. Hopefully what ever is causing this goes away quickly. It would almost make...
When Axel went through his regurgitating phase for a few weeks it was because his esophagus was super irritated, so he was diagnosed with...
Axel will give a wee a brief sniff, sometimes followed by weeing over it but that’s as far as he’s taken it so far
Is it just regurgitated kibble and water? Or is it digested food and such? Axel will regurgitate piles of kibble and act completely normal...
Axel did as a puppy all the time, not anymore. But he will pee in the lake while swimming!
Wow, I’m so sorry, you guys can’t seem to catch a break these days. You have a great plan set out, and Merlin will have a wonderful life because...
I read it the same way at first :p
Aw poor Harley, speedy recovery wishes!