Well he had a good day at daycare with no issues, so that was a relief. He was very excited about dinner tonight and ate it all up and hasn’t...
I had to drop him off at daycare as I work a full day today. They know to call me ASAP if he throws up at all or seems off. He seemed perky but...
Thanks everyone, we were at the vet for a couple hours. He didn’t throw up again while we were there which was good. They did X-rays which showed...
I left Axel for an hour and came home to 7 piles of throw up and three of them just being blood and bile. I’m so scared. Just waiting at emergency...
Oh my gosh, poor Bailey, and you as well. That’s so heart breaking to see but thankfully he’s ok. Speedy recovery, Bailey:hug:
I need both of these :nod:
I have been considering this with Axel, just because everyone thinks he is part Great Dane.
Hi there, sorry to hear you are having troubles with your boy. We were given some medications that coated his esophagus and stomach to help with...
My boys, such cuddle bugs.[ATTACH]
Odie and Axel both used to do this after giving each other’s penis a lick :rolleyes:
Axel has never chewed his kibble either, but at two years old I noticed tarter build up on his back canines with also fresh tarter on some other...
How scary! I’m so glad both were ok, but you’re right, us humans take more time to recover than our lovely dogs.
I saw a French Bulldog for sale today for $4500:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Don’t forget the bobcats, lynx, cougars and coyotes:D I am a bit nervous when walking Axel by myself and won’t go at certain times of the day :p
Oh that’s very exciting! And a bit unerving with the fog setting :eek: I was horse back riding last fall and the horse I was on stopped abruptly...
OH does this with Axel and he goes bananas over it, so much noise and body wags :D
Oh dear, now I’m going to be checking Axel’s bum out.
How worrying for you all, I’m so glad he seems to be feeling better!
Axel never sleeps on his back, but he is right now! Obviously needed photo evidence. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]